Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Instant, No Egg, No Set, Chocolate Mousse

Rarely do I stumble across a recipe so exciting that I rush out a few hours later for supplies and spend the very next morning cooking in the kitchen. I may or may not have let out a little yelp of excitement when I first came across this via the very domestic goddess herself- Nigella Lawson.

I think what excited me most, besides the idea of an instant chocolate mousse is that this recipe requires no raw eggs! For anyone who's never made a mousse before, one of the key ingredients is raw egg yolks. Which means this version is perfectly safe to satisfy the pregnant women of this world. I only wish I had known about this when I was pregnant with my own kids. There's been a few times too many when I've found myself gazing longingly at the mousses in the cake display fridge. As much as I would have loved to give in, I just couldn't bring myself to possibly exposing my unborn child to salmonella or listeria or whatever else the FDA were paranoid over.

Besides being an egg-less mousse, this version also requires minimal setting time and prep time. The result, a rich, airy, decadent dessert that you could whip up in a manner of minutes. Perfect!

150g mini marshmallow
50g butter
250g dark chocolate
60ml hot water
300ml heavy whipping cream
1tsp vanilla extract

1. Place marshmallows, butter, chocolate, and water in heavy saucepan over medium heat.
2. Melt contents, stirring occasionally until all combined. Remove and cool.
3. Whip cream with vanilla extract until thick. Fold into cooled chocolate mixture until all combined. Save a few dollops of whipped cream to use for garnish. 
4. Arrange into 4 glasses or ramekins. Garnish with whipped cream and grated chocolate. Chill until ready to eat. 
* Mixture may liquify when combined. Chill to set.


For anyone feeling adventurous, I put together a few ideas for spicing up this classic chocolate mousse. My personal favourite is chili chocolate. You could easily add a dash of cayenne pepper while heating up the chocolate marshmallow mixture. Or if you like to keep things simple, a sprinkle of sea salt over a classic chocolate mousse is always nice. 


Amy said...

I might be making this later tonight, looks delicious!


Leopard and Lillies

Anonymous said...

This looks delicious; would love to try this! Maybe this weekend...

Invitation To Inspiration said...

I will have to try out this recipe soon! I am sure it is going to be delicious!!!:-))

Chocolate Cookies & Candies said...

Any recipe that shows the word "instant" tickles my fancy. I've never seen a mousse recipe that requires no eggs. I've got a Nigella Lawson book and have tried several recipes and they've worked every single time. This just looks incredible and utterly delectable.

Anonymous said...

This looks so delicious!

Alyssa said...

This looks so yummy! Instant to me mean I can make it after work and eat it on the couch while watching trashy television-perfect! Not that that's my plan for tonight or anything...

The Glossy Life

Always Maylee said...

Omg, I have to try this, it looks amazing!

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your photos Jenee. This looks amazing. I just pinned this :)

Quiet Luxury

Unknown said...

yum! this looks amazing

FP said...

Oooh...yummm! I'm so gonna try this.

Floor said...

Hmmm looks delicious!


Unknown said...

thanks for the recipe look so good, need to get some cream to make it :) are so good at photo editing

Unknown said...

Oh yum, I am dying here--this looks so good and I love that it doesn't have egg yolk, which just the thought of it makes me queasy. Plus I am a total Nigella fan! I am seriously tempted to go out get everything to make it right now :) I also still have your shortbread + chocolate sauce bookmarked, so you are a bad influence (on my waistline)!!! Hope you're having a great day Jenee!

xo Mary Jo

Jelena Dimić said...

Yummy, that's so delicious! :D :3

fabulouspetite said...

OMG, I will try to make this. Looks so yummy. You are one domestic diva !


Fabliha said...

growing up, chocolate mouse has always been one of my favourite things to eat! this looks so delicious - I can't wait to try this out


The Avenue Vee said...

Chocolate mousse is one of my favorite desserts to make! Saving this to try over the weekend. It looks divine!!!

xx - Vee
The Avenue Vee

Sandy a la Mode said...

umm drooling over here! need to make this!!

Sandy a la Mode

Alissa said...

Shoot! It is now midnight and I can't eat anything till 8:30 after my doctors appointment. I am pinning this for later though!

Hanna C. said...

ohoho looks so nice and delicious!! and do easy to make:)
you have a new follower!

Diana said...

This looks great! Thinking about trying it ;)

Thanks for your comment. Let me know if you wanna follow eachother and I'll be happy to follow back :)

c said...

that looks so delicious!


Georgia Zemou said...

Nice blog sweety! Love chocolate! I m following you now on GFC and Bloglovin! Hope you will visit my blog and follow back if you want! :)


S said...

Hello ! Just now I read your about me section and I must say that we live almost similar existence. I was a Research Scholar in the University but now, just like you, I am a homemaker {no kids yet} and I am also into photography like you. I am also a food enthusiast.I sometimes do fashion posts in my blog, sometimes write poetry and about life in general.
Thank you for sharing this recipe , I have never made mousse at home.
Your food photography is very creative.
If you are interested, we can follow each other!
have a nice day,

Borjana said...

I'm gonna bite my computer screen:)

Ashley said...

MMM yummy! Great pictures and awesome idea to pair the chocolate with other flavors. I also love how you labeled the ingredients. How do you add arrows and labels to a picture like that?

Cassandra. L said...

That looks yummy!! Thanks for your comment at my blog, I definitely have to follow you here. Can learn a lot from you :)

Unknown said...

Oh wow, that sounds and looks so delicious!! I will definitely have to make that. i really LOVE your photography. . .just beautiful!

xo Jenny

leonie fanning said...

oh thank you so so muchfor your lovely comment and for following me, im delighted to follow you back, oh this just looks so delicious, i must try it, im here drooling over the photos, iv always loved choclate mousse but always made it with the eggs so i look forward to trying this version, thanks for sharing withus, kisses from your new irish follower, xx leonie

Teresa said...

having a watery mouth crisis right now!!!!!!!!!!! trying this ASAP! looks so easy and yummy<3 plus I'm a chocolate junkie!

happy thursday,

Anonymous said...

OMG this looks like heaven. Need to try this!

audrinajulia said...

It looks and taste good! I'm starving here at the middle of the night with this post. I'm wishing we're neighbors! haha

The Dragonfruit said...

Oh my yummy that looks SOOO good! *_*

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Trendy Teal

Unknown said...

Oh wow this looks amazing, now I am craving this!!! So happy you found my blog, I love yours! I'm following you now :) look forward to reading your posts! Have a great day xoxo

Amelia Milly said...

Ah this looks amazing! I love the little chocolate pairings at the end, they will give it a lovely creative twist :)

Lily Fang said...

Wow, this looks absolutely heavenly! Lovely details and photos as well. Would you like to follow each other? I love your blog!

Martha from Malta said...

Mmm this looks so yumm! I mean who can resist chocolate :) Im following you now on BL :) Martha x

Fashion babel said...

i want it!
following each other?yes no?
yours truly, L.

Unknown said...

Oh I wished I knew where to get whipped cream in my city cause this recipe looks so easy even I want to try it (and I'm a mess in the kitchen haha) <3 besides I love chocolate, this is definitely going to my favs so I can try it someday :)

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Sabrilett's Armoire

Sharon Lei said...

Hey hun! I'm so happy to have stumbled across your blog. And thanks for sharing this recipe. YUM. :) Totally looking forward to trying it. And yay, I'm a new follower of yours!!

Hope you're doing fabulously... come swing by to enter my Alainn Bella giveaway!

xx Love & Aloha

Lolita in the Mix said...

Yummy! But so dangerous ;-) Love the foodstyling in this post!!

xoxo lorena

Jade Purple Brown said...

Saying that this recipe looks good is a MAJOR understatement!

Kacrates said...

Oooo Im going to try this!

Unknown said...

Mmmm,great post!<3

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