Thursday, November 22, 2012


Dear friends, 

There's a lot that I am thankful for this year (my heath, my family, my friends) but besides the obvious what I am really thankful for is YOU! Without you this blog would just be an empty space of ramblings from a delusional old lady. So thank you thank you for following along. 

Happy Thanksgiving wherever you may be and safe travels. Now go forth and embrace that food baby!

xx Jenee C. 


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your wonderful the blog! Kisses!)

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Jenee! Love this line: "Without you this blog would just be an empty space of ramblings from a delusional old lady." haha It's great to have a forum to share ideas with people who care. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos, words and style! xo Jess

John B. Marine said...

I'm thankful to find this blog after you've found my own blogs. Please take care and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Illustrated Chick said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanks for Posting <3!
Sandra Lucia

Unknown said...

Happy thanksgiving to everyone in the USA!!

<3 Val

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Have a great celebration!


The Dragonfruit said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)

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Bravoe Runway said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you are enjoying the holiday with family.

Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

Awwww. You are so sweet. Happy Thanksgiving!
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Allison said...

Thankful that I've met such lovely & inspiring people like you :)
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A Very Sweet Blog said...

Happy Thanksgiving Jenee! We love your blog :)

Fleur Chelsea said...

Aww this is such a sweet post, loved it! happy delate thanksgiving!

Anna Grostina said...

such a ssweet post and photo ! have a nice weekend x

Izzy said...

keep up the great work with your blog! :) happy thanksgiving girl :)

Lolita in the Mix said...

Beautifull picture, very original! Thank you too!! I hope you had a wonderfull thanksgiving!

-xoxo- lorena

trishie said...

Love that pic, girl! Hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving. I think it's a shame we don't really celebrate it here in Australia.

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