This week was a good one despite some unexpected news. The highlight was a little midweek getaway with a few girlfriends and all our kids. One of the things I enjoy most about being an army wife is the amazing people you meet who comes from all walks of life and are joined together under a common cause. We all live in close proximity to each other, our husbands all work together and our kids are all roughly the same age. The sense of community here is really strong and quite different to civilian life. I would consider this little community to be quite segregated from the rest of society. We live in the outskirts of major cities. The entire population is mostly made up of military families and contractors. There is no real interaction with the outside world unless you leave the town. When deployment comes around, swarms of soldiers leave together leaving behind their spouse and children. In those times, your friends really do become your family. I know this blog is called {camo meets couture} but I rarely write about military life. I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into my world.

Day spent at the manmade beach resulting in the most horrible tan for myself (see instagram @jeneechen) and no signs of sun whatsoever on either of my kids. Sunscreen really is a wonderful product. I really should be using it on myself too and not just the kids.
My daughter's and their bff's. How many people can say that they were friends since before they were born? When I was pregnant with my first, my good friend was also pregnant resulting in our two girls being born two days apart. When I fell pregnant the second time, the same friend also fell pregnant resulting in the birth of our other two girls born two weeks apart. These four were destined to be friends for life.
Cloud gazing is a favourite passtime of mine. In my much younger days I use to want to be a meterologist. I would bury myself in books memorising different cloud formations and their scientific names. Seriously, who's ever heard of someone say they want to be a meterologist when they grow up?
My little one just loves to smile. Her aunt once asked me in all seriousness if she had a smiling disease? These toothy grins just get me each time.
Dear Nordstrom, thank you for your yearly Anniversary Sale. I look forward to them each year, especially when they coincide with Tax Free Weekend like this year!
Aw, some adorable pictures! Love the closeup of your smiling baby :D
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Trendy Teal
Cute photos of your children. Thanks for sharing about your personal life. It gives us a better understanding of who you are.
Military life can be hard, my granddad was a coronel in the army, and I know my grandma had it hard...
You get tax free weekend!? Britain needs to employ this! Sophie x
awwww…. love the girlies! :) I like staring at clouds too!
Love the pictures and congrats on the Nordie's Anniversary Sale finds!
Leopard and Lillies
hey your blog is really lovely :) maybe we follow each other ? just let me know :)
I love these glimpse into your life as an army wife.It's amazing to know that your kid's have bff's for life and the friendship that was planted between you and the spouses are blooming. Husband who lives for a duty is so sad and the hardest part. I know your group of friends out there is a great factor to relieve those sad moment.
I bet the package of anniversary sale at Nordstrom is not yet finish as it was you post up there!
Happy weekend!:)
Adorable pictures, adorable kids. Nothing beats the time we spent with them. I snag that shoes too !
lovely photos. <3 very cute borders too.
btw, i followed you on bloglovin. follow back pleasE? ty!
visit my blog at:
aw, so adorable! love the way you decorated your photos!
kristen at stylish in sequins
I love having a little glimpse into your world--how great that your kids will grow up with such great life long friends! I was also born in the military (my dad was stationed at Fort Benning when I was born) and it was one of the happiest times in my parent's life that they always looked back on with great nostalgia.
Hoping you're having a wonderful weekend! I'm envious of your Nordstrom sale finds!
xo Mary Jo
Love the family photos :) And thanks for sharing a glimpse into a world I know all too well... military wife! Hope you're having a lovely weekend Jenee!
Quiet Luxury
Look like so much fun!!
And supercute boys!!
the babies are so cute!!!and thanks for stopping by me, I follow you!
Keep in touch,
aww they are so adorable <3
Michelle Angeline
Great post !
Such lovely pictures :)!
I am a instant follower :)
Love your blog and I'm an instant follower
I want to invite you to join my first $25
Rire Boutique Giveaway Contest !
Check it out when you have the time :)
Kids are so cuteeeeeeeeee :)
Following you back :)
Your kids are sooo adorable! And I have to say, LOVE the nordstrom shoes.
I'm in love with your style, followed :) I just want to thank you for your sweet comment on my blog, means a lot!
Your kids are so cute! :)
Lovely photos! :) <3
From Finland, with <3,
Sometimes military life can be hard... ;)
adorable pictures :D
The Pictures are so cute :)
And i loove the Shoes at the Last Photo
And would you like to follow each other?
Just let me know :)
Oh my, your kids are absolutely adorable!! That sounds like a lovely way to spend a day. And the weather looks so perfect too! :)
♥ xixia |
ahh cute babys !!
Love Storm
Oh tax free weekend during the Anniv sale? I am jealous! We never have a tax free weekend in Chicago and our sales tax is 9.5%!
Your blog is so cute. Loved it!
Hello hello, thanks so much for your follow dear, I stop by your blog and let me tell you that you have a great blog! I´m following you everywhere, GFC 266, facebook 33, twitter 48 and bloglovin 77, so please come and follow back in all of them =)
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